"...for this is the will of God, your HOLINESS"
Save humanity through families, live in HOLINESS

Oh my God, with Your grace, for Your Glory, I promise to live in truth and in love, a life of simplicity, with humility like the hidden yeast and salt, that my life may help my family and through my family, all humanity to Holiness.

God created man and woman in his own image and likeness.This man and woman created by God, destined to live for all ETERNITY with their CREATER .God created the whole universe as their home. These first man and woman created by God , out of goodness and love, were gifted with many gifts.
The man and woman lived in friendship with God.
All these gifts were given to them in order to transmit the generations to come. When God blessed them and said to them “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it ; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over everything that moves on the earth.

Since God created man in his own image and likeness, unlike the rest of creation we have unique gifts.
God inscribed an internal law into everything that he has created. We can think of everything in the universe, we will find this internal law. For example,
1. We plant a seed, we can plant it the way we want, but from the seed the root goes to the ground and the stem comes up above the earth.
2. Look at the sun, there is a law without that keeps the sun moving always.

We too have an internal law, a voice that speaks to us within us “CONSCIENCE”
Here I wish to tell you my brothers and sisters – the whole human race – I am your Sister, wish to share with you some thoughts, some passages from reading materials. And finally, a thought / may be an inspiration / may be an understanding of the mysteries – that the whole human race is one family where we are all brothers and sisters and God the creator is our Loving Father of us all, and all of us are called to live in a loving relationship with God our Loving Father. And that is what Holiness is all about.

Let us all united in one mind and heart in love with God our Heavenly Father, we may call him by different names, but he whose nature is LOVE .

See the universe and all that is in it, all that we see with our naked eyes, all that we know by our experience or the effect that they exist though we do not see; a simple example - virus that causes common cold that we suffer often.

Take a little time and see in your mind huge mountains, immense waters of sea, trees so high and whatever you can think of … the sun, the countless starts.

Here is the truth, a single human being is more precious than whole universe.

That human being could be old and helpless, sick, a newborn baby, for that matter even a baby at the first moment of conception. Often, we should reflect and let it sink this truth in our innermost being. Human being is precious, brought it into existence in the unique love of our creator, loving Father whose nature is LOVE, called NAME you wish…

God is a loving Father. His love for his children - each and every human being is infinite.He patiently waits for each one of us, to turn to Him as His loving children.In a loving relationship with confidence and trust, words cannot express what it really means, but only a loving experience.

Why do I repeat about this. Only our relationship with God, our creator, who is our Father gives us the joy of loving on earth which is a pilgrim journey towards our Fatherland.During this journey, if we know our loving Father is accompanying us, we will make this journey in joy, peace and great longing to reach home. Dear brothers and sisters, let us not be slow in going to our loving Father who is infinitely patient in waiting for our arrival, eager to bestow many gifts for our safe journey.... What a joy to journey with an experience of a loving Father.....

Trust in God because our loving Father has only one concern about us that is our happiness, our eternal happiness. He who is good, gives only goodness to His children and this is the basis for our trust in Him. At times, I may think , is it possible that my loving Father could allow "this" thing to happen in my life... Dead brothers and sisters, we see things not very clear because our eyes are not very clean.. we do not have vision of our whole life span... But God, our loving Father , who is ever present, there is no past or future.. there is no parts in the vision , God sees the whole.. This is the reason why I trust my loving Father
Perfection is in heaven.Here on earth we live a holy life, not perfect life. We are able to live a holy life simply by living in a loving relationship with God, our loving Father by doing His will which is His love for us. God is able to write straight crooked lines.What does it mean in this context, that when we live in a loving relationship with our Father, we will be making mistakes in our wrong choices, but I turn to God for help and He will make it right in his great mercy. He is not expecting a perfection in our actions but he is expecting us to turn to Him in our wrong choices against His Holy Will for me, which is His love for me.
Do I expect perfection from my brothers and sisters? How do I manage my expectations, may it be about myself or about my brothers and sisters ( humanity) ? This is an art each one of us should develop with regard to ourselves, others even with God.
Can I wait to do an act in perfection. "No". by doing we learn to act better... Let us not waste our time on earth but act in love for compared with eternity, our time on earth is very very short and the eternity depends on our actions that are done in love always...
We have seen the foundation of our life, the experience of God's love for me and for my brothers and sisters(humanity) and living in a personal relationship of love.

Freedom is the next word we need to understand. What is Freedom? Is it not a power within us to make everything within us and everything outside of us into an offering. Many things happen to us, which we have no power over them, but these things through our free choice, we can turn them into something "precious". Human freedom has such power. Everything in life becomes a gift from God and I can receive the gift and return the gift as a gift to God and share the gift with our brothers and sisters. My freedom has the power to transform my life and become a channel grace to transform the lives of my brothers and sisters. When I choose freely to live in a relationship of love with God and with my brothers and sisters, then I am living a holy life because that is what God's will for me.

- Sanyasini -